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Posted by demonfury v2 on 12-24-2010 at11:08:

  experience based on square

ive been thinking about this for some time and its starting to make a hell of a lot of sense

as im sure you all know, the higher you are in the zones, the more exp you will get from quests and higher max exp from attacks

i personally dont find this fair, im one of the lucky guys who is able to loan a z3 from time to time and so i get this bonus players in z4 dont get

if you look at the size of this server, the unbalance is huge, the exp gained from quests and max exp gained from attacks should be the same for all zones

i have no idea what the max exp cap from an attack is for a player in z1, but i know 98% of the server will never have the chance to find this out, fair play award for bloodwars here? i think not

is there any chance that exp gain from attacks could be based purely on the difference in rankings between yourself and the player you wish to slaughter? as im 100% sure it would make for a much fairer gaming system Smile

merry christmas to asll, i hope to hear something back soon Smile

Posted by NouveauNosferatu on 12-24-2010 at11:12:


It works both ways, if you're in Z4 and successfully attack someone in Z1 you also get increased XP from it.

So anyone who puts themselves in Z1/Z2 and even Z3 exposes themselves to more frequent and systematic attacks.

So in that sense it does even itself. Yes they get more XP, but they will also get drained of resources more, and people get greater XP from hitting them.

Posted by demonfury v2 on 12-24-2010 at11:14:


well dont i feel like a (insert obcene insult here) ive played the game for like 3 years or more now and i never knew this LOOOOOOOOL

nice one for clearing this up nouv

merry christmas

Posted by iivv on 12-24-2010 at15:44:


Originally posted by NouveauNosferatu
It works both ways, if you're in Z4 and successfully attack someone in Z1 you also get increased XP from it.

I am sure you are wrong here. I am Z4 player in necro and max exp i can get is 180. Zone of target doesn't matter. But when i go to Z3 i get max 240 exp from the same attacks. In Z2 even more.

Posted by Orem on 12-24-2010 at17:44:


Originally posted by iivv
Originally posted by NouveauNosferatu
It works both ways, if you're in Z4 and successfully attack someone in Z1 you also get increased XP from it.

I am sure you are wrong here. I am Z4 player in necro and max exp i can get is 180. Zone of target doesn't matter. But when i go to Z3 i get max 240 exp from the same attacks. In Z2 even more.

Yes NN, I'm afraid iivv is correct... I spent a long time in Z4 and even beating players 2000 points bigger than me, I only got 180 exp, but when I moved to Z3 I got 260 (283 now due to Daredevil tattoo). So I think that if you are in Z4, you can get a max number of pop, and that number is increased as the Zone the player is and as the victim Zone is decreased (Z5, Z4, Z3, Z2, Z1)

Posted by demonfury v2 on 12-24-2010 at18:40:


i KNEW i was right!!!!! nouv, you made me look daft grrrrrrrrr LOL

so yea, back on topic, is there anyway everyones exp can be based on points difference only instead of the square relations as well, purely on a matter of fairness and equality Smile

Posted by MYRKUL on 12-24-2010 at18:59:


You're both right Smile

You just can't see Nouv's point because your example is based on cases where you are already at the x.p. cap for that Zone.

If for example, you hit another Z4 player who gave you say only 100x.p. (instead of the 180 cap), if that same player then moved to Z3 and you hit him, you would get more (at least up until you hit the cap).

If for example, you hit another Z4 player who gave you the max 180x.p. (as in your example) then if that same player then moved to Z3 and you hit him, you would get the same 180 x.p. as you are already at the x.p. cap.

Posted by FlashAOD on 12-24-2010 at20:00:


Personally i say its perfect as it is..

Do you get battered in Z3? ( GENERALLY, Not Aimed At Anybody ) Then you dont deserve to be higher than people in a Z4.

Does somebody 2,000 points lower than you.. and in a lower zone DESTROY you? you do not deserve it either.

I think it works fine on that fact that if your in a better Z you should be alot better off so the lower sections of people shouldnt be able to beat you so they wouldnt get the exp, Its a good bonus i believe

Posted by Orem on 12-24-2010 at20:06:


Originally posted by FlashAOD
Personally i say its perfect as it is..

Do you get battered in Z3? ( GENERALLY, Not Aimed At Anybody ) Then you dont deserve to be higher than people in a Z4.

Does somebody 2,000 points lower than you.. and in a lower zone DESTROY you? you do not deserve it either.

I think it works fine on that fact that if your in a better Z you should be alot better off so the lower sections of people shouldnt be able to beat you so they wouldnt get the exp, Its a good bonus i believe

Although I completely agree with you FlashAOD, I do not think that it works like that; in Blood Wars UK there are lots of alliances so even if a huge clan (A) want a square from a smaller clan (B), that smaller clan might have an alliance with a clan (C) even stronger than A, so even if A take square from B, C will help B taking it's square back.

Posted by demonfury v2 on 12-24-2010 at22:24:


i see your point on being in zones you deserve to be in

i cant name a single player lower than me that can beat me in defence, theres not many outside of the top 100 that can tbh (im almost in the top 200 right now) yea being in z3 because you deserve to be there is all fine and good im not debating this, what im saying is people who are in z3 get xxx amount of exp from someone whilst a player in z4 only gets xx this will make no difference at all if they both slaughter someone who is lets say 2k points above them, (ive done this a few times also), surely proving that you can pwn someone who is supposed to be so much better than you should bring in a greater prize than a capped exp of only 180 (not counting tattoo buffs) where as someone in z3 can do the same thing and claim like 230xp (also not including buffs)??

in my own personal view, this seems like a rather unfair method of reward and needs to be looked at and re worked

Posted by NouveauNosferatu on 12-25-2010 at10:32:


Originally posted by MYRKUL
You're both right Smile

You just can't see Nouv's point because your example is based on cases where you are already at the x.p. cap for that Zone.

If for example, you hit another Z4 player who gave you say only 100x.p. (instead of the 180 cap), if that same player then moved to Z3 and you hit him, you would get more (at least up until you hit the cap).

If for example, you hit another Z4 player who gave you the max 180x.p. (as in your example) then if that same player then moved to Z3 and you hit him, you would get the same 180 x.p. as you are already at the x.p. cap.


As for demonfury's point that the XP cap is increased in each zone, moving up through the zones also carries it's burdens, costs of quests are massively increased, protection periods are decreased etc etc.

Point being it's a double-edged sword, it's not all just sunshine and lollipops. Progression through the city should carry extra reward and extra burdens, it does both. If the XP didn't increase as you moved up through the zones, or indeed decreased, then what would give people the impetus to try to progress further?

It would further blunt the 'war' element of the game.

Posted by demonfury v2 on 12-25-2010 at11:13:


the impetus would be blatant

the chance to gain poh from your square, which z3 2 and 1 bring you, 4 dont get this

decreased protection period.....woopty do

more viable attack target.....if your defence set is worth its weight in reindeer meat, it should hardly matter as you should be able to withstand most attacks.

no one is saying lower exp for higher zones, im just saying exp should be based on merit of the attack, not the square you call "home"

Posted by NouveauNosferatu on 12-25-2010 at11:30:


Originally posted by demonfury v2
the impetus would be blatant

the chance to gain poh from your square, which z3 2 and 1 bring you, 4 dont get this

decreased protection period.....woopty do

more viable attack target.....if your defence set is worth its weight in reindeer meat, it should hardly matter as you should be able to withstand most attacks.

no one is saying lower exp for higher zones, im just saying exp should be based on merit of the attack, not the square you call "home"

PoH is a fantastic commodity, but redundant if you dont have people too.

You say 'woopty do' about decreased protection period. Can you fit all your quests and ambushes into half an hour? Because if not, you'll not always be equipped in your defence set, meaning you're a constant target for chancers.

As for defence sets being able to withstand most attacks, it only takes 5 people being able to beat it, hitting twice a day, to completely annihilate any and all resources you could build through attacks, again making the PoH obselete because there would be no people to use in conjunction with it.

Why should XP be based on merit of the attack? Why should it not be based on merit of position? Anyone can hit lucky with an attack (target in wrong equip etc), but to build a square in Z3, Z2 or Z1 takes real time and effort, not random chance.

Posted by demonfury v2 on 12-25-2010 at15:24:


Originally posted by NouveauNosferatu
Originally posted by demonfury v2
the impetus would be blatant

the chance to gain poh from your square, which z3 2 and 1 bring you, 4 dont get this

decreased protection period.....woopty do

more viable attack target.....if your defence set is worth its weight in reindeer meat, it should hardly matter as you should be able to withstand most attacks.

no one is saying lower exp for higher zones, im just saying exp should be based on merit of the attack, not the square you call "home"

PoH is a fantastic commodity, but redundant if you dont have people too.

You say 'woopty do' about decreased protection period. Can you fit all your quests and ambushes into half an hour? Because if not, you'll not always be equipped in your defence set, meaning you're a constant target for chancers.

As for defence sets being able to withstand most attacks, it only takes 5 people being able to beat it, hitting twice a day, to completely annihilate any and all resources you could build through attacks, again making the PoH obselete because there would be no people to use in conjunction with it.

Why should XP be based on merit of the attack? Why should it not be based on merit of position? Anyone can hit lucky with an attack (target in wrong equip etc), but to build a square in Z3, Z2 or Z1 takes real time and effort, not random chance.

if 5 people are able to beat you, then increase the quality of you defence kit and bring that number down, and think, for every person who can beat you, theres 500 you can beat in return Smile

you can fit your quests and attacks in if you do them in shifts, same as i would have to do when i get my z4 square back, why should exp be based on square position when theres so few z3 2 and 1 squares around, why should these select few who have been playing the game since day one have the right to gain more exp than other simply because there sat in higher square??

the point is there and its easy to see, the exp system is biased to squares not to the ability of the player and the quality of the attack. its wrong

Posted by NouveauNosferatu on 12-25-2010 at16:18:


Originally posted by demonfury v2
if 5 people are able to beat you, then increase the quality of you defence kit and bring that number down, and think, for every person who can beat you, theres 500 you can beat in return Smile

you can fit your quests and attacks in if you do them in shifts, same as i would have to do when i get my z4 square back, why should exp be based on square position when theres so few z3 2 and 1 squares around, why should these select few who have been playing the game since day one have the right to gain more exp than other simply because there sat in higher square??

the point is there and its easy to see, the exp system is biased to squares not to the ability of the player and the quality of the attack. its wrong

To be honest, i wasnt looking advice on defence set-ups, when you can stop Dooz, Cesarz, Mortis or Vlade let me know.

And yes there's 500 people i can beat, in fact there's more, however there isn't 500 attacks i can do everyday.

Those select few who've been playing the game the longest, why should they be rewarded? Why should people who've put in the most amounts of time and effort get more benefits? Why should people who built the Z1, Z2s and Z3s recieve extra benefits as opposed to someone who's been in the game for a few months?

No harm, but if you dont understand why the answers to those questions aren't obvious, you'll struggle in your life.

The ability of the player is what got them into the square (or the clan they're in in a few cases). I've built, or helped in the building of so far, 1 Z2 square, 4 Z3 squares, and 4 Z4 squares. But yet someone in Z4 who catches me between equipment should be entitled to more XP because they 'earnt it' through attacking?

Posted by Foxy on 12-25-2010 at17:58:


Originally posted by NouveauNosferatu
Originally posted by demonfury v2
if 5 people are able to beat you, then increase the quality of you defence kit and bring that number down, and think, for every person who can beat you, theres 500 you can beat in return Smile

you can fit your quests and attacks in if you do them in shifts, same as i would have to do when i get my z4 square back, why should exp be based on square position when theres so few z3 2 and 1 squares around, why should these select few who have been playing the game since day one have the right to gain more exp than other simply because there sat in higher square??

the point is there and its easy to see, the exp system is biased to squares not to the ability of the player and the quality of the attack. its wrong

To be honest, i wasnt looking advice on defence set-ups, when you can stop Dooz, Cesarz, Mortis or Vlade let me know.

And yes there's 500 people i can beat, in fact there's more, however there isn't 500 attacks i can do everyday.

Those select few who've been playing the game the longest, why should they be rewarded? Why should people who've put in the most amounts of time and effort get more benefits? Why should people who built the Z1, Z2s and Z3s recieve extra benefits as opposed to someone who's been in the game for a few months?

No harm, but if you dont understand why the answers to those questions aren't obvious, you'll struggle in your life.

The ability of the player is what got them into the square (or the clan they're in in a few cases). I've built, or helped in the building of so far, 1 Z2 square, 4 Z3 squares, and 4 Z4 squares. But yet someone in Z4 who catches me between equipment should be entitled to more XP because they 'earnt it' through attacking?

Demon, try holding your own in a Z2 as of where i am atm.
I have a strong defence but i cannot keep everyone at bain still.

I have spent a lot of time on the square with little help. I've had to not do expos or msg people for peps at times as its hard to find good people target tbh and theres always someone who can kill you.

Heres a dispriction of how much you get attacked in Z2 compared to ony Z3.

While i went to help in war i moved out of Z2 (where i struggled to get 100k people) to a Z3
When i went back i had around 500k-600k people

See difference, its hard to hold your own in a high zone, as Nouv says

Rewards are great, burdens greater.

Quests cost me a bomb

400 each normal instead of 200- for other zones

It also takes me all my attacks to get 100k peps which i lose mostly in 3 and i get hit 8 times a fay at least.
Z4 i'd probs get hits once or none

Posted by demonfury v2 on 12-26-2010 at00:31:


Originally posted by NouveauNosferatu
Originally posted by demonfury v2
if 5 people are able to beat you, then increase the quality of you defence kit and bring that number down, and think, for every person who can beat you, theres 500 you can beat in return Smile

you can fit your quests and attacks in if you do them in shifts, same as i would have to do when i get my z4 square back, why should exp be based on square position when theres so few z3 2 and 1 squares around, why should these select few who have been playing the game since day one have the right to gain more exp than other simply because there sat in higher square??

the point is there and its easy to see, the exp system is biased to squares not to the ability of the player and the quality of the attack. its wrong

To be honest, i wasnt looking advice on defence set-ups, when you can stop Dooz, Cesarz, Mortis or Vlade let me know.

And yes there's 500 people i can beat, in fact there's more, however there isn't 500 attacks i can do everyday.

Those select few who've been playing the game the longest, why should they be rewarded? Why should people who've put in the most amounts of time and effort get more benefits? Why should people who built the Z1, Z2s and Z3s recieve extra benefits as opposed to someone who's been in the game for a few months?

No harm, but if you dont understand why the answers to those questions aren't obvious, you'll struggle in your life.

The ability of the player is what got them into the square (or the clan they're in in a few cases). I've built, or helped in the building of so far, 1 Z2 square, 4 Z3 squares, and 4 Z4 squares. But yet someone in Z4 who catches me between equipment should be entitled to more XP because they 'earnt it' through attacking?

dude, im not some guy whos been here for a few months, ive played this game from day 1, i restarted on this account 7 months ago, some may see this as some bull poop drunken rant, and if they do screw em, i know im making sence

experience based on a square is stupid, simple as, experience based on your possessed power, your ability to kick the living noodles out of someone x3 your points is the essence of the game, so why is this not rewarded? because the developers are dumb and apparently so are many people playing the game, higher squares bring buildings that lower squares cant get, experience should be equal regardless of square, simple point, simple fact, if your unable to grasp this, your obviously to thick to play the game!

Posted by FlashAOD on 12-26-2010 at09:14:


So if you've played from day one why has it taken you 3 years to say something? You used to love it farming me getting 100xp + with a pair of friendly conq's

The game is fine as it is

Posted by NouveauNosferatu on 12-26-2010 at19:38:


Originally posted by demonfury v2
dude, im not some guy whos been here for a few months, ive played this game from day 1, i restarted on this account 7 months ago, some may see this as some bull poop drunken rant, and if they do screw em, i know im making sence

experience based on a square is stupid, simple as, experience based on your possessed power, your ability to kick the living noodles out of someone x3 your points is the essence of the game, so why is this not rewarded? because the developers are dumb and apparently so are many people playing the game, higher squares bring buildings that lower squares cant get, experience should be equal regardless of square, simple point, simple fact, if your unable to grasp this, your obviously to thick to play the game!

I must say, your version of logic is moronic. "It's a fact" doesn't make it a fact, it's still only your opinion, despite how much it obviously means to you.

There is more to the game than just ambushes, perhaps the developers see that, obviously you dont. When they consider XP, they might look beyond sheer ambush ability.

Posted by Gendibal on 12-26-2010 at20:43:


I have to say that I agree with demon here ... there are already benefits to the squares which make moving up attractive without the enhanced experience caps. The gaps in exp gain widen the higher you get, which cripples any chance for lower players to move up to a greater extent ... therefore putting off a lot of the newer and lower people from playing.

Posted by FlashAOD on 12-26-2010 at20:45:


Originally posted by Gendibal
I have to say that I agree with demon here ... there are already benefits to the squares which make moving up attractive without the enhanced experience caps. The gaps in exp gain widen the higher you get, which cripples any chance for lower players to move up to a greater extent ... therefore putting off a lot of the newer and lower people from playing.

They have no idea when they start about it. And when they do hear about it everybody bundles to Z4. And so many clans these days have Z3 they share. So there's not alot of people that lose out of anything

Posted by Gendibal on 12-26-2010 at20:52:


If that is the case, then maybe you could explain the sheer number of players who leave the game within the first month of sign up?

New players are usually (contrary to popular belief) quite intelligent, and can see trends in such screens as Rankings ... and when they see the higher players gaining 500+ points per month while they're struggling to gain 40 or 50 (indicating a gap that is not only huge, but also increasing further with time), then surely that shows something that needs to be looked at.

Posted by NouveauNosferatu on 12-26-2010 at21:02:


Originally posted by Gendibal
If that is the case, then maybe you could explain the sheer number of players who leave the game within the first month of sign up?

New players are usually (contrary to popular belief) quite intelligent, and can see trends in such screens as Rankings ... and when they see the higher players gaining 500+ points per month while they're struggling to gain 40 or 50 (indicating a gap that is not only huge, but also increasing further with time), then surely that shows something that needs to be looked at.

Originally posted by Gendibal
I have to say that I agree with demon here ... there are already benefits to the squares which make moving up attractive without the enhanced experience caps.

So within a month of playing, players should rightly be looking to be in Z3, and are leaving because this isn't possible?

Within a month of playing this i wasn't even finished the tasks in Z5

Posted by FlashAOD on 12-26-2010 at21:03:


It's because they get bored of no low clans willing to help.

How would you feel if you start a game and not one person wants to help on a White D? I know plenty of people who have struggled to get on up for this game. If your lucky to get a clan where people help you. Youl appreciate the game more.

Also the pilgrims.. Seeing peace and quiet what a boring journey is quite possibly the most annoying thing in the world. Trying to get to A2, people just dint have the time to log into a game that just screws them all day everyday.

You know the RNG is stupid, think of all the people buying items and trying to upgrade an 80% chance and failing. Think of all the 90% chances you fail everyday for no reason.

There alot in this game where if you don't stick it out, it will beat you into not playing.

Edit ;

Just as NN said above. A month in and people are saying bah I should be ranked 1st I'm amazing at games, I'm leaving..

This is a game for long haul

Posted by Gendibal on 12-26-2010 at21:10:


NN, Ahhhh, the twisting of words ... great skill, but in this case not applicable.

I said that newer players did tend to see the TRENDS within the game, and thus with the limited amount of z3, z2 and z1 squares available, it would be quite easy to see that only a certain amount of players would be able to get there ... and of course the imbalance in advancement between the lower and higher players. This situation is added to by the lifting of exp caps for each higher zone that you get to (as well as increased exp for quests, etc), making it easier to stay ahead of the players in lower zones (exp wise).

If, like me, they watch the trends on the rankings screen, then they could quite possibly come to the conclusion that z3+, as well as higher rankings were quite well out of reach, regardless of how long they played (not taking larger players deleting into account of course).

So your logic in that answer is severely flawed, and non applicable to the point raised.

Flash, I would say that may account for maybe 30-40% of the quitters ... players who expect less of the game than they actually find it is ... but that doesn't explain the incredibly low active population.

As for the RNG, I fail plenty and I pass plenty ... all down to the roll of the dice

Posted by NouveauNosferatu on 12-26-2010 at21:23:


Originally posted by Gendibal
NN, Ahhhh, the twisting of words ... great skill, but in this case not applicable.

I said that newer players did tend to see the TRENDS within the game, and thus with the limited amount of z3, z2 and z1 squares available, it would be quite easy to see that only a certain amount of players would be able to get there ... and of course the imbalance in advancement between the lower and higher players. This situation is added to by the lifting of exp caps for each higher zone that you get to (as well as increased exp for quests, etc), making it easier to stay ahead of the players in lower zones (exp wise).

If, like me, they watch the trends on the rankings screen, then they could quite possibly come to the conclusion that z3+, as well as higher rankings were quite well out of reach, regardless of how long they played (not taking larger players deleting into account of course).

So your logic in that answer is severely flawed, and non applicable to the point raised.

Flash, I would say that may account for maybe 30-40% of the quitters ... players who expect less of the game than they actually find it is ... but that doesn't explain the incredibly low active population.

As for the RNG, I fail plenty and I pass plenty ... all down to the roll of the dice

But then you're conveniently ignoring the point that no clan would survive without giving members Z3 access, and also ignoring that many many people who have shot up through the rankings in the space of a few months.

It is possible, it just takes a certain approach to the game.

As for the twisting of words, it would appear that every thread you post in comes back to the same point, and you hijack the points other's are making to reinforce your own idea of what is wrong with the game. So in that sense i bow to your superior skill.

As for the %s used, you may as well say -47.5% or 10975%, if they aren't based on anything quanitifiable or that has been quantified they're just random numbers you've used to try to give weight to your own argument.

Posted by Gendibal on 12-26-2010 at21:39:


I haven't ignored either of those facts ... I have made a point of doing so myself to see how far it is actually possible to get in whatever timescale it takes in the long term. And yes, it may be possible, and when I see that for myself I shall certainly make a comment to that effect.

The reason that most of my posted points come back to the same line of reasoning is that the threads I post on usually deal with those points in one form or another.

As for hijacking, I believe you'll find that the thread here deals with the imbalances in exp between zones, and that is exactly what I have commented on ... my opinion and demons coincide here that we believe there is a problem, and we have commented on it, just as you have that you believe there is no problem.

Posted by terjohnny on 12-26-2010 at21:59:


maybe that limit is put there so you don`t debalance the game. I join today and i`m friends with the top 5 players - they all give me free attacks and i get 500 exp from every attack. when i get to a z3 i`m surely bigger and the exp gain is less than what i could have gained from the begining.

(and yes i know a 1 point player can`t attack top 5 but i was an example)

Posted by Orem on 12-26-2010 at22:14:


Originally posted by terjohnny
maybe that limit is put there so you don`t debalance the game. I join today and i`m friends with the top 5 players - they all give me free attacks and i get 500 exp from every attack. when i get to a z3 i`m surely bigger and the exp gain is less than what i could have gained from the begining.

(and yes i know a 1 point player can`t attack top 5 but i was an example)

Haven't understood your point. What you said was that a bigger player gains less experience then the smaller one? That is not correct, I think. Higher pointers can (normally) get more experience than smaller pointers, that's the point of the discussion about experience cap in Z5, Z4, Z3, Z2 and Z1.

Posted by terjohnny on 12-26-2010 at22:18:


why do i always to draw for people to understand...1 point player attacks 50 point player and gets x experience - 40 point player attacks 50 point player and gets x/y experience...they get less exp from the same person

Posted by Foxy on 12-26-2010 at22:21:


So what is being said is a level 40 etc should get the same xp as a level 80 etc?

So level 1 comes to game and gets 100 xp for a quests?
Or a level 90 gets 20xp?

If this happened then the xp needed to level at lower level would be higher which would raise it for every level
Or if Op 2 happened it would take about 2months-4months each levelo at 80+

Now I would have quit by then

See the problem

And i've never seen this cap before really

I've managed 493 xp in att on Under in Z2
On Z3 in necro i've had max 280xp (atting Z2 higher than me)

I've been hit by Z4 getting 250xp so where is this 180xp cap please?

Posted by DraGan on 12-26-2010 at22:33:


Originally posted by Foxy
So what is being said is a level 40 etc should get the same xp as a level 80 etc?

So level 1 comes to game and gets 100 xp for a quests?
Or a level 90 gets 20xp?

If this happened then the xp needed to level at lower level would be higher which would raise it for every level
Or if Op 2 happened it would take about 2months-4months each levelo at 80+

Now I would have quit by then

See the problem

And i've never seen this cap before really

I've managed 493 xp in att on Under in Z2
On Z3 in necro i've had max 280xp (atting Z2 higher than me)

I've been hit by Z4 getting 250xp so where is this 180xp cap please?

Stop comparing Underworld with Necropolis. Underworld has experience tattoos and Necropolis doesn't.

Also i think lower levels gain alot more exp from ambushes regardless the zone the are in. I used to gain 2500+ exp from ambushes a day when i was level 60 in zone 4.

Posted by Foxy on 12-26-2010 at22:42:


Originally posted by DraGan
Originally posted by Foxy
So what is being said is a level 40 etc should get the same xp as a level 80 etc?

So level 1 comes to game and gets 100 xp for a quests?
Or a level 90 gets 20xp?

If this happened then the xp needed to level at lower level would be higher which would raise it for every level
Or if Op 2 happened it would take about 2months-4months each levelo at 80+

Now I would have quit by then

See the problem

And i've never seen this cap before really

I've managed 493 xp in att on Under in Z2
On Z3 in necro i've had max 280xp (atting Z2 higher than me)

I've been hit by Z4 getting 250xp so where is this 180xp cap please?

Stop comparing Underworld with Necropolis. Underworld has experience tattoos and Necropolis doesn't.

Also i think lower levels gain alot more exp from ambushes regardless the zone the are in. I used to gain 2500+ exp from ambushes a day when i was level 60 in zone 4.

Firstly i waqsn't comparing Under + Necro, was showing Under and comparing to Necros with each other.

Yes necro has no tats which shows even more the cap not being there as there is nothing to push over the cap

I had Under there to show that there isn't really a cap unless its like 500+ which then this argument is pointless as no one can get that yet.

Posted by Orem on 12-26-2010 at22:53:


Originally posted by terjohnny
why do i always to draw for people to understand...1 point player attacks 50 point player and gets x experience - 40 point player attacks 50 point player and gets x/y experience...they get less exp from the same person

That was not well explained. And it is more than obvious that as higher the difference is, the most experience the player will gain, until you reach the Zone limit.

Posted by demonfury v2 on 12-27-2010 at02:14:


the point is not a 1 point should score as much exp as a 1000 pointer

let me make it really simple

1000 pointer kills a 3000 pointer in z4, gets 180 exp

1000 pointer kills a 3000 pointer in z3, gets 230 exp

no tattoo buffs included

now you see my point???

exp should not cap based on the square the attacker is using, but the quality of the attack itself should determine the amount of exp you gain from attacks

Posted by Orem on 12-27-2010 at02:54:

  RE: experience based on square

Originally posted by demonfury v2
the point is not a 1 point should score as much exp as a 1000 pointer

let me make it really simple

1000 pointer kills a 3000 pointer in z4, gets 180 exp

1000 pointer kills a 3000 pointer in z3, gets 230 exp

no tattoo buffs included

now you see my point???

exp should not cap based on the square the attacker is using, but the quality of the attack itself should determine the amount of exp you gain from attacks

We all had understood your point before.
It would actually help me (example) but in this point I agree with NouveauNosferatu. If that happened, why would people want to go further?
Only a few squares with those bonuses create competition, which helps the development of the game, making it yet more entertaining.
I'll quote FlashAOD now:
Originally posted by FlashAOD
The game is fine as it is

Posted by demonfury v2 on 12-27-2010 at04:17:


people would want to go further for the additional buildings higher squares offer, along with the better quality items they produce from quests

also im pretty sure higher zones have the chance to drop more items in quests than the lower zones

Posted by Szeszej on 12-27-2010 at08:57:


We would like to keep the current system so there is an incentive for people to actually advance to higher zones and not sit comfortably in their z5 squares.

Posted by demonfury v2 on 12-27-2010 at13:24:


the incentive would still be there through better item drops from higher squares and buildings that produce poh and other usefull buffs

tell me if the exp rate was flat, someone would rather sit in z5 than z1??? its common sense

Posted by Cthulhu on 12-27-2010 at18:06:


Demon, I don't like or agree with your idea for many reasons that have already been stated, and clearly the Devs don't either. Give up the argument.

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