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Posted by Paranoia on 05-26-2011 at21:08:


Originally posted by icecold
Originally posted by Malle8398
Originally posted by Unholy Emperor
Originally posted by Nooblar

You can express what you think til you're blue in the face, the Devs have a set plan for A3 if you don't like it, there's nothing you can do about it.

Is this an official dev notice? That the players can essentially either chew swallow and grin, and shouldn't bother speaking up about parts of the game that they feel make it less fun than it could be?

Or is this simply a player bashing another player because the second player is a staunch supporter of what we happen to have on our plates now, and feels that the notion of discussing what else we might have is slanderous?

No its not a notice its niether. Its my opinion on how things will pan out. The Devs havent really listened to us in the past and now with A3 on the horizon I'm guessing that they don't need our input. I mean if they wanted ideas wouldnt they have asked us sooner? All I was saying is that we can type, express, shout and scream for our ideas to be implemented but you've got the same chance as a snowball in hell.

Are you kidding me??????

The Devs havent really listened to us in the past???
yeah so how do you explain this:
increase the capacity of Clan Armoury. 20 more items can be stored and any member of the clan can use premium to activate it.
you will be able to leave an expedition, but only before your application is accepted. If you do so you will only regain half the blood invested.
when spying, clicking on "Finished" will take you to the report.
Clan buildings.

All of this have been discussed here as an improvment to the game so i would say the devs have listen to us moore then i had expected!!!! Or do you mean that the devs only should do what we say and not what the other servers have to say, for you to say that they have listen to us?

And if they dont want our help, why the hell did Szeszej write it then??? Riddle me that pls...

if the devs really listined then how come they still haven't fixed the problems of the leg weapons. still waiting for the ranged weapons to b sorted out and put back on an even level with all the other weapons...

erm leg renged ... are you on crack?

people can do amazing things with ranged weapons Smile

the only problems with legendary are 1h mellee Smile

Posted by Foxy on 05-26-2011 at22:27:


Originally posted by icecold
Originally posted by Malle8398
Originally posted by Unholy Emperor
Originally posted by Nooblar

You can express what you think til you're blue in the face, the Devs have a set plan for A3 if you don't like it, there's nothing you can do about it.

Is this an official dev notice? That the players can essentially either chew swallow and grin, and shouldn't bother speaking up about parts of the game that they feel make it less fun than it could be?

Or is this simply a player bashing another player because the second player is a staunch supporter of what we happen to have on our plates now, and feels that the notion of discussing what else we might have is slanderous?

No its not a notice its niether. Its my opinion on how things will pan out. The Devs havent really listened to us in the past and now with A3 on the horizon I'm guessing that they don't need our input. I mean if they wanted ideas wouldnt they have asked us sooner? All I was saying is that we can type, express, shout and scream for our ideas to be implemented but you've got the same chance as a snowball in hell.

Are you kidding me??????

The Devs havent really listened to us in the past???
yeah so how do you explain this:
increase the capacity of Clan Armoury. 20 more items can be stored and any member of the clan can use premium to activate it.
you will be able to leave an expedition, but only before your application is accepted. If you do so you will only regain half the blood invested.
when spying, clicking on "Finished" will take you to the report.
Clan buildings.

All of this have been discussed here as an improvment to the game so i would say the devs have listen to us moore then i had expected!!!! Or do you mean that the devs only should do what we say and not what the other servers have to say, for you to say that they have listen to us?

And if they dont want our help, why the hell did Szeszej write it then??? Riddle me that pls...

if the devs really listined then how come they still haven't fixed the problems of the leg weapons. still waiting for the ranged weapons to b sorted out and put back on an even level with all the other weapons...

Um have to say this, what the hell are you on about, the biggest dmg dealer on the server is a ranger called Cez. So really?

Posted by theheraldofogc on 05-28-2011 at04:35:


By 'fixed', I think they mean 'fixed so they always win'.

Ranged seems to work fine.

Of all the Leg weapons, it's One Handed which is worst off. The chances of finding enough parts to make them usable is so slim it's unbelievable.

Posted by darc on 10-06-2011 at17:15:


just used the hall of greater rune on my ak and am dissapointed

Legendarne DoskonaBe AK-47 * ZAMKNIJ

BroD palna dwurczna
Obra|enia: 50 - 60
Cechy: ilo[ ataków na rund: 8, Bczne obra|enia broni +20 %, SIAA +20, WPAYWY -8
Wymagania: POZIOM: 45 (5Cool , SIAA: 40 (52), ZWINNOZ: 26 (34), SPOSTRZEGAWCZOZ: 43 (56), INTELIGENCJA: 41 (53), WIEDZA: 39 (51), Posta musi by w akcie: 2
Cena sprzeda|y: 43 200 PLN
Warto[: Nanity 4574, Mana 961

and in english

Perfect legendary AK-47 * CLOSE Firearms handed Damage: 50 - 60 Special features: the number of attacks per round: 8, total 20% weapon damage, STRENGTH +20, -8 Rep LEVEL: 45 (5Cool , STRENGTH: 40 (52), AGILITY: 26 (34), Spot: 43 (56), INTELLIGENCE: 41 (53), KNOWLEDGE: 39 (51), the character must be in the act: 2 Selling price: 43 200 PLN Value: nanites 4574, 961 Mana

Posted by FlashAOD on 10-06-2011 at17:16:


So you got +20 strength but -8 rep?

Posted by Foxy on 10-06-2011 at17:27:


I got +10 str on my L P scopio

For gunman that is pretty helpful but remember these are from the lowest koth location

Posted by darc on 10-06-2011 at17:50:


yeah thats what I got. got a higher location on now hope I get better enchantment

Posted by Mortis on 10-13-2011 at11:36:


Clan Buildings

Zciany tej Sali pokrywaja niezliczone runy polaczone z pylonami mocy ukrytymi na terenie domeny twojego klanu. Dzieki mocy magii ziemi twój klan zyskuje przewage nad atakujacym przeciwnikiem.
Efekty: ilosc chronionych kwadratów: 5, +1 do wszystkich podstawowych parametrów za kazde 22 poz. róznicy, +15 do PKT ZYCIA za kazde 28 poz. róznicy, +1 do obrazen oraz +2% do szansy na trafienie krytyczne za kazde 22 poz. róznicy

The walls of this hall bear countless runes combined with the hidden power pylons in the domain of your clan. With the power of the earth magic your clan gains an advantage over the attacking enemy.
Effects: number of protected squares: 5, all character parameters increased by 1 for every 22 levels, +15 hit points for every 28 levels, damage all of weapons increased by 1 and chance for critical hit increased by 2% for every 22 levels

Tutaj odprawiane sa rytuaBy pozwalajace stworzyc najpote|niejsze z artefaktów. Obdarzone moca demonów przedmioty beda sluzyc tylko swojemu wlascicielowi.
Efekty: umozliwia wyruszenie na ekspedycje Król Wzgórza, umozliwia umagicznianie przedmiotów, odblokowuje lokacje nr 4.

Here are performed rituals to create the most powerful artifacts. Endowed with the power of demons, items will only serve its owner.
Effects: allows you to set off on an King of the Hill expedition, enables enchanting of items, unlocks location No. 4

W tej Sali wampirzy lord zbiera swoja kohorte, by planowac szczególy nadchodzacych walk. Na srodku Sali znajduje sie wielki stól taktyczny nasycony magia krwi pozwalajacy stworzyc model dowolnego pola bitwy.
Dostepne taktyki:
Obrona na wzgórzu
obroncy: szansa trafienia krytycznego +15 %, SPOSTRZEGAWCZOSC +12
atakujacy: obra|enia wszystkich broni +25, ZWINNOSC -8, unik +10 %
obroncy: ZWINNOSC -8, obra|enia wszystkich broni +12, SPOSTRZEGAWCZOSC +5, PKT ZYCIA +200
atakujacy: ZWINNOSC -4, obra|enia wszystkich broni +2, szansa trafienia krytycznego +10 %
obroDcy: ZWINNOSC -5, szansa trafienia krytycznego -10 %, obrona postaci +120
atakujacy: SPOSTRZEGAWCZOSC -12, obra|enia wszystkich broni +15, trafienie wszystkich broni +80

In that Hall the vampire lord meets his cohort to plan the details of upcoming fights. In the middle of the Hall is a large tactical table saturated with blood magic able to create a model of any battlefield.
Available tactics:
Defence on the hill
defenders: critical chance +15%, PERCEPTION +12
attackers: damage of all weapons +25, AGILITY -8, dodge +10%
defenders: AGILITY -8, damage of all weapons +12, PERCEPTION +5, HIT POINTS +200
attackers: AGILITY -4, damage of all weapons +2, critical chance +10%
defenders: AGILITY -5, chance for critical hit -10%, character defence +120
attackers: PERCEPTION -12, damage of all weapons -15, chance to hit +80

Dziesiatki manekinów, zapadni, pochylni oraz przeszkód. Wszystko to pozwala doskonalic walke bronia dystansowa, w kazdych warunkach.
Dostepne taktyki:
Wir walki
SPOSTRZEGAWCZOSC -20, obrazenia wszystkich broni +10, szansa trafienia krytycznego +10 %, wymagana bron DYSTANSOWA
Kontrola tlumu
ilosc dodatkowych ataków kazda bronia: 2, PKT ZYCIA -200, SPOSTRZEGAWCZOSC -40, ZWINNOSC +30, obrazenia wszystkich broni -10, wymagana bron DYSTANSOWA
Taniec smierci
ZWINNOSC +20, SPOSTRZEGAWCZOSC -30, unik +15 %, PKT ZYCIA +150, wymagana bron DYSTANSOWA

Dozens of dummies, trapdoor, ramps and obstacles. All this allows to improve the fight with ranged weapons in all conditions.
Available tactics:
PERCEPTION -20, damage of all weapons +10, chance for critical hit +10%, requires ranged weapon
Crowd control
number of additional attacks with each weapon: 2, HIT POINTS -200, PERCEPTION -40, AGILITY +30, damage of all weapons -10, requires ranged weapon
Dance of death
AGILITY +20, PERCEPTION -30, dodge +15%, HIT POINTS +150, requires ranged weapon

Magazyn broni, laboratoria chemiczne, strzelnica z ruchomymi celami oraz warsztat rusznikarski. Wszystko to razem pozwala dostosowac bron palna do wymagan i potrzeb konkretnego Kainity.
Dostepne taktyki:
Prawo i porzadek
obrazenia wszystkich broni +20, SPOSTRZEGAWCZOSC -30, ZWINNOSC +60, szansa trafienia krytycznego -25 %, unik +10 %, wymagana bron PALNA (dwureczna lub dwie jednoreczne)
unik +25 %, ZWINNOSC -40, SPOSTRZEGAWCZOSC +20, obra|enia wszystkich broni -10, szansa trafienia krytycznego +25 %, wymagana bron PALNA (dwureczna lub dwie jednoreczne)
ilosc dodatkowych ataków kazda bronia: 2, obrona postaci -100, SPOSTRZEGAWCZOSC -20, ZWINNOSC +20, PKT ZYCIA +400, wymagana bron PALNA (dwureczna lub dwie jednoreczne)

Storage of weapons, chemical laboratories, shooting range with moving targets and firearms workshop. All this allows you to customize the firearm to individual requirements and needs of Kainity.
Available tactics:
Law & Order
damage of all weapons +20, PERCEPTION -30, AGILITY +60, chance for critical hit 25%, dodge +10%, requires guns (two-handed or two one-handed)
Dodge +25%, AGILITY -40, PERCEPTION +20, damage of all weapons -10, chance for critical hit +25%, requires guns (two-handed or two one-handed)
number of additional attacks with each weapon: 2, character defence -100, PERCEPTION -20, AGILITY +20, HIT POINTS +400, requires guns (two-handed or two one-handed)

Zwykla duza sala. Pod scianami dziesiatki stojaków pozwalajacych cwiczyc nawet najbardziej egzotyczna bronia biala, a obok kazdego stojaka wielki manuskrypt kodeksu walki. Tutaj nauczysz sie wszystkiego o walce bronia biala od podstawowych technik po zaawansowane taktyki prowadzenia bitew.
Dostepne taktyki:
Samotny wilk
PKT ZYCIA +400, unik +10 %, szansa trafienia krytycznego -15 %, ZWINNOSC -20, wymagana bron BIALA (dwureczna lub dwie jednoreczne)
Czas zabijania
obrazenia wszystkich broni +30, obrona postaci -50, unik -10 %, ZWINNOSC -20, SPOSTRZEGAWCZOSC +20, PKT ZYCIA +100, szansa trafienia krytycznego +25 %, wymagana bron BIALA (dwureczna lub dwie jednoreczne)
Siewca smierci
dodatkowy atak kazda bronia, ZWINNOSC -25, szansa trafienia krytycznego +15 %, PKT ZYCIA -300, unik +10 %, SPOSTRZEGAWCZOSC +10, wymagana bron BIALA (dwureczna lub dwie jednoreczne)

The usual large hall. Close to the walls are dozens of racks to allow train even the most exotic melee weapon. Next to each stand is large manuscript of the War Code. Here you'll learn all about melee combat techniques from basic to advanced tactics of conducting battle.
Available tactics:
Lone Wolf
HIT POINTS +400, dodge +10%, critical chance -15%, AGILITY -20, requires melee weapon (two-handed or two one-handed)
A Time to Kill
damage of all weapons +30, character defence -50, dodge -10%, AGILITY -20, PERCEPTION +20, HIT POINTS +100, chance for critical hit +25%, requires melee weapon (two-handed or two one-handed)
Death Sower
additional attack with every weapon, AGILITY -25, chance for critical hit +15%, HIT POINTS -300, dodge +10%, PERCEPTION +10, requires melee weapon (two-handed or two one-handed)

Stary system kanalów przeciwburzowych laczy sie w wielu miejscach ze starozytnymi katakumbami ciagnacymi sie kilometrami pod calym Miastem.
Efekty: limit atakujacych w oblezeniu: 30, limit obronców w oble|eniu: 33

The old system of sewers are connected in many places with ancient catacombs that stretches for kilometers under the whole town.
Effects: limit the attackers in the siege: 30, limit of defenders in the siege: 33

Tutaj jest przechowywana cala wiedza o czlonkach klanu i ich stanie posiadania. Dokonywane sa takze transakcje miedzy czlonkami klanu.

Here is stored all knowledge about members of the clan and their ownership status. It carries out also transactions between members of the clan.

Nikt nie wie czemu nazwano to miejsce kaplica. Jednak to wlasnie tutaj przychodza Kainici, by prosic bogów o pomyslnosc i skladac ofiary.
Efekty: zwieksza szanse ulepszenia przedmiotów o 20 %, w przypadku nieudanego ulepszenia przedmiot spada o 3 poziomy. Dziala tylko dla przedmiotów na poziomie Dobry +5, Doskonaly, Doskonaly +1, Doskonaly +2, Doskonaly +3, Doskonaly +4.

Nobody knows why this place is called chapel. Yet it is precisely here where Cainites come to ask the gods for prosperity and offer sacrifices.
Effects: increases the chances of upgrade items by 20%, in the case of unsuccessful upgrade the item level drops by 3. It works only for objects at the level of Good +5, Perfect, Perfect +1, Perfect +2, Perfect +3, Perfect +4.

Tylko nielicznym wampirom wolno jest hodowac te krwiozercze bestie. Karmione krwia swych panów Ogary pod wodza Lowczego stanowia mordercza bron.
Dostepne taktyki:
5 losowych przeciwników chybia swój pierwszy atak w pierwszej rundzie oblezenia
5 losowych przeciwników ma 20% szansy na chybienie ka|dego ze swoich ataków w pierwszej rundzie oblezenia
3 losowych przeciwników zostaje trafiony(-ch) krytycznie w kazdym otrzymanym ataku w pierwszej rundzie oblezenia
Atak watahy
1 losowy przeciwnik zostaje natychmiastowo zabity przez ogary na poczatku oblezenia

Only a few vampires are permitted to keep these bloodthirsty beasts. Fed with the blood of their masters the Hounds led by huntsman represent a murderous weapon.
Available tactics:
5 random opponents will miss their first attack in the first round of the siege
5 random opponents have 20% chance to miss each of its attacks in the first round of the siege
For 3 random opponents will be each received hit in the first round of the siege critical
Attack of the hordes
A random opponent will be immediately killed by the hounds at the beginning of the siege


To give you some insight what is it about Smile Original text left for those better translators than Clemenza, me and google translate Tongue

Posted by Firetrap on 10-13-2011 at17:55:


Originally posted by Mortis
Clan Buildings

Nobody knows why this place is called chapel. Yet it is precisely here where Cainites come to ask the gods for prosperity and offer sacrifices.
Effects: increases the chances of upgrade items by 20%, in the case of unsuccessful upgrade the item level drops by 3. It works only for objects at the level of Good +5, Perfect, Perfect +1, Perfect +2, Perfect +3, Perfect +4.


To give you some insight what is it about Smile Original text left for those better translators than Clemenza, me and google translate Tongue

Is this on top of the 30% already there so in other words 50% chance of an upgrade?

Posted by FlashAOD on 10-13-2011 at17:58:



DoskonaBa Czapka Adrenaliny (+1)
Efekt ulepszenia
DoskonaBa Czapka Adrenaliny (+2)

Kolejne poziomy:
DoskonaBa Czapka Adrenaliny (+3)
DoskonaBa Czapka Adrenaliny (+4)
Informacje RytuaB Krwi hint
U|yte kamienie: K. duszy: 1
Szansa powodzenia: 50 %
Niepowodzenie: Poziom przedmiotu spada o 3

Which translates to ( this is me writing it as google translation cant pick it up )

current ;
perfect cap of adrenaline +1

next ;
perfect cap of adrenaline +2
perfect cap of adrenaline +3
perfect cap of adrenaline +4

1 soulstone to upgrade
chance of success : 50%
if you fail you lose 3 levels of equipment

Posted by Firetrap on 10-13-2011 at18:01:


Originally posted by FlashAOD

DoskonaBa Czapka Adrenaliny (+1)
Efekt ulepszenia
DoskonaBa Czapka Adrenaliny (+2)

Kolejne poziomy:
DoskonaBa Czapka Adrenaliny (+3)
DoskonaBa Czapka Adrenaliny (+4)
Informacje RytuaB Krwi hint
U|yte kamienie: K. duszy: 1
Szansa powodzenia: 50 %
Niepowodzenie: Poziom przedmiotu spada o 3

Which translates to ( this is me writing it as google translation cant pick it up )

current ;
perfect cap of adrenaline +1

next ;
perfect cap of adrenaline +2
perfect cap of adrenaline +3
perfect cap of adrenaline +4

1 soulstone to upgrade
chance of success : 50%
if you fail you lose 3 levels of equipment

EPIC! Ill be getting my P+1 Glock to P+5 in one visit as soon as i get into A3 Tongue Is there many P+5 items flying around? Cant see there being many for quite some time once its implemented though, Beta doesnt matter so much if you lose 3 levels on an item

Posted by FlashAOD on 10-13-2011 at18:05:


i lost all my stones trying to get an item to G+5 so its still just as hard.

Not many P+5, but this does make upgrades to P+1 easier, but kills the ritual aspect a little bit. do you ritual up and risk the P+ upgrades.

or do you just fluke the whole item? i know alot of people dont ritual anyway.. but its still a change. personally i think with the chance of upgrades insanely increased. ritual should be a hell of alot cheaper

Posted by Firetrap on 10-13-2011 at18:22:


I fluked my Glock to P+1 by accident lol

But i dunno about making ritual cheaper, should stay expensive and if you want the higher level either merge it or try your luck

Ive seen a Perfect Demonic Knuckle-Duster of Hitting (+5) in use that was pretty amazing lol crits of almost 800.

Is the upgrades of perfect still in well of souls or a new page/area?

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