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Posted by Cthulhu on 02-19-2015 at20:10:

  Disposables lists on all pages...

...that would benefit from them.

Like we have on the arena screens, can we have the disposable drop down list on the attack, quest, join / start siege, join / start expo, & join / start KoTH ---- and any other places I forgot.

Those drop down menus are so handy - much easier than have to click through pages, plus you may not be online for end of expo to buy a disposable etc.


Posted by Kleks on 03-06-2015 at16:27:


What excacly you mean by that?

The way of disposables are bought automaticly like in arenas (1vs1+defense/3vs3/clan) or just the list of dispos that you can choose when joining?

I would agree for the drop down list of dispos to choose from when joining the koth/expos even ambushes but i wouldn't go as far as automatic buy of disposables that are somewhat hardwired into you like in arenas that you can have set up disposable that is bought automaticly when attacked in arenas working like that in expos.

Disposables are risk of the player who is buying them when setting up in expos/koth that is nullified when attacked by other player.

But i'm going off topic right now. The dropdown list would be nice to have when joining into koth/expo but now to be bought automaticly like in arenas.

Posted by Cthulhu on 03-13-2015 at16:25:


Yeah, you're right I got excited - I meant just the drop-down list on every required page, so you don't have to jump around pages, etc.

However, just read your reply on other page about the ad revenue, and suspect this is why this is like that also....... lame.

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