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Posted by theheraldofogc on 08-13-2018 at21:28:

  Chainsaw requirements

Hello, I've already raised this in another thread but wanted to put a spotlight in this.

With literally years of merging (and some help over the finish line) I've finally merged a Demonic Chainsaw of the Basilisk.

Using the item preview, it would need 214 Intelligence and 223 Knowledge at Epic +5.

An Epic +5 Flamethrower needs 204 Intelligence and 168 Knowledge, for a weapon which actually uses these stats.

Now, it does thankfully get halved with easiness and I'm happy being and oddball weirdo in this game so I'm good running it at low Epic levels just to be a maniac with a Chainsaw, but...

Are there any long term plans to rebalanced Chainsaws so that they're actually the best melee weapon? Need more Intelligence and Knowledge than Snipers is a bit wasteful if you actually want to succeed as a melee user.

This feels possible now you have Reforging at Epic since every high level melee level uses Katana instead and would freak out of Chainsaws got good after working on Epic Katanas. But there's already a problem if every high level melee user except weirdos like me won't even touch your "best" weapon.

Forum Software: Burning Board 2.3.6, Developed by WoltLab GmbH