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I'm baaacccckk...well at least to share a story or two. This is really the only forum I know of that I can post entire stories or chapters and get feedback quickly from people I know, or at least have talked to.

Anyway, I'm participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and actually achieved the goal early. The goal is 50,000 words in a month, I completed that goal by the forth. It's amazing what a non-gaming life can do to your productivity. Wink

I decided to keep going and I finished the novel. Then I wrote a novella based around a morbid Christmas theme. I got bored again, popped out a short story about a soul-sucking demon buying a fake soul on eBay. I then wrote another short story about what would happen if two killers picked the same victim and ended up in the victim's house together.

Then I wrote the following story for my up and coming "Fairy Tales Gone Wrong" anthology and wanted to share. Enjoy.

Little Red Glock - Based on the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood'

It was a beautiful summer day and a little girl with hair the color of spun gold and happy blue eyes was playing a titillating game of hide-and-seek with some local children. Soon though, her mother called and the young girl (almost a teen actually) went to see what the problem was. She was the last one being sought so she found it to be quite amusing that she was called away while the other children were still looking for her, the fools.

“Yes mother?” the young girl asked.

“Your Grandmother is sick and I need you to deliver this basket of food to her,” mother responded.

“I’m going alone?” the young girl questioned.

“Well yes, it’s only me and you in this cottage and I have to stay home to make sure no one robs us blind while we’re gone,” mother responded with a huff.

“So your solution is to send a girl barely old enough to be a teen out on a journey that could take her through hours of forest on her own in hopes she makes it to Grandma’s house unscathed?” the daughter inquired flatly.

“Well yes, take your red cowl too,” mother replied happily.

“You must hate me,” the daughter grumbled but dutifully changed into her walking boots.

“No, no, that’s just how these things go,” mother assured her with a nod.

“Right, fine,” daughter replied as she packed a bag and slung it over her shoulder before pulling on her red cowl with its bright hood.

“You know I’m just a walking target in this thing right?” daughter mentioned as she tied down the cowl and lifted the hood.

“Actually, no, the foresters looking for game won’t shoot you down because they think you’re a deer in that,” mother pointed out.

“So there is a method to your madness,” daughter proclaimed with a grin.

“Oh be quiet and get out the door with the basket. You’re Grandmother is sick,” mother scolded and pushed the aforementioned basket into her daughter’s arms.

“She’s sick all the time, she should move in so there’s less bother in visiting her,” daughter whined as she was forcibly shoved out the door with the basket in hand.

“Mention that to her. The old coot is too stubborn to listen to me, maybe she’ll listen to her only grandchild,” mother groused with a shake of her head.

“Maybe you should have had more kids before father mysteriously disappeared,” the daughter mentioned as she was finally pushed out the door.

“If your father wasn’t such a drunkard I would have instead of making sure he fell down that well, now shoo,” mother demanded complete with the appropriate hand-motions.

“Right, he was a drunkard and tripped, I remember now. Somehow that seems wrong.” daughter noted with a wink as she stepped down the stairs and began to stride towards the path that would lead out of the village and into the woods.

“Stay on the path,” mother called out as daughter strode off.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. You would think Grandma would be sensible and not live in the middle of the damned forest,” daughter muttered to herself as she walked away.

The young girl, whose name was Jane, trotted along the path at a swift pace. People oft called her Red for the red cowl she wore when her mother insisted on it. Jane liked to be called Red because it gave her an air of mystery since she did not actually have red hair.

Jane kept a good pace as she walked along the path, ignoring the beautifully scented flowers that grew along the edge of the path. She knew a girl named Ellie that was to deliver a basket of goodies to her sick aunt using this same path. Ellie had stopped to smell the flowers and was eaten by a wolf. So the story went but Jane did not know if it was factual.

Regardless, Jane heeded her mother’s advice and continued along the path. The walk itself proved to be boring so Jane took to counting the rocks she saw. That got monotonous so she decided to hum. She had never been a good singer and people told her that a cat sung better than she did. She insisted on meeting this singing cat which irritated people to the end of their wits and left them sputtering idiotically.

Jane gave up on humming when a few birds looked like they wanted to dive-bomb her to make her stop. Jane heard her stomach rumble a few minutes later and lifted the blanket from the edge of the basket to see what was inside. Cheese, strong wine, some soup in a stopped jar and hard bread stared up at her in challenge. There was not anything overly appetizing and Jane thought it a bit immoral to take food from a sick old woman.

She sat her basket down to rifle through her pack and came up with a half loaf of bread and some cheese. She re-shouldered her pack, picked up her basket and continued on her way to Grandmother’s house. The grandmother whom stubbornly lived in the woods all by herself with no one around for miles to help her if she got hurt or sick. It was a perfect journey for a 12 year old.

Jane scoffed at her own thoughts and almost choked on a piece of cheese. She got it down after a few thick swallows and continued on her way. A few birds did dive bomb her then for food but she swatted them to a side with a grumble and the rest let her be.

After another hour passed until she came to a river and decided a break was in order. Unknown to her, a large gray wolf had been following her the entire time. It finally made itself known and separated from the trees to sit near the girl.

“Where are you going little girl?” the wolf questioned when it was close enough.

“A talking wolf? Really? How absurd is that?” Jane groused and promptly went to ignoring the wolf.

“I could eat you, you know,” the wolf mentioned.

“If you could have, you would have. But since you haven’t, I’m going to assume you actually can’t,” Jane told it with a shrug.

“Why you little, you’re supposed to be afraid of me,” the wolf told her.

“And where does it say I’m supposed to be afraid of you?” Jane inquired as she stood and set her feet into a fighting stance.

“Uh, well I am a wolf,” the wolf howled out.

“A scrawny wolf with matted hair and half its teeth missing that can magically talk. I’m not interested and definitely not afraid, now shoo,” Jane told it and made the appropriate hand motions to shoo the wolf away.

“I just want to talk, most people run away from a talking wolf,” the wolf tried with a pitiful moan.

“I’m unlike most people,” Jane assured it with a nod.

“Talk with me then?” the wolf questioned with a half-toothy grin.

“Oh fine,” Jane relented since it would relieve her boredom but she remained standing.

Standing gave her a better advantage if the wolf decided to attack her. She could hit it with the basket then and knock it out. Or kick it in the jaw and send the remaining teeth flying out of its skull. She could even punch it in the eye if she was standing. Sitting would be the death of her.

“So, where are you going?” the wolf asked.

“To my Grandmother’s house. The old broad insists on living alone and she’s sick so mother wisely told me to bring her food,” Jane explained with the barest hints of bitterness in her voice.

“Old broad isn’t a very nice thing to say about your grandmother,” the wolf reprimanded.

“Crazy bat, Ancient coot, Dinosaur, Seer of the beginning of history, what else should I call her?” Jane inquired with a smirk.

“How about Grandmother?” the wolf suggested flatly.

“Don’t get me wrong, I adore the woman. I mean without her, I wouldn’t have been born eventually. But she can be overly stubborn sometimes and really should move closer to the village,” Jane explained, not that she felt as if she needed to redeem herself to a wolf.

“Ah, I see. Why doesn’t she move closer?” the wolf questioned.

“What part of stubborn did you not get?” Jane shot back with a lift of one blonde eyebrow.

“Well, I,” the wolf tried.

“Oh bother, no wonder no one talks to you. You’re a bore. I’m heading to my grandmother’s house now, you go hunt some mice or something,” Jane muttered as she lifted her basket and began jumping from rock to rock to get across the river.

“A bore, a BORE? I’ll eat that girl and her grandmother for that insult,” the wolf growled under his breath and darted off.

He knew a short cut across the river and to an old woman’s house. The old woman batted him off with a sharp broom most of the time, had the same look and scent of the girl so he just knew that’s where the girl was headed. He only hoped the grandmother really was sick or she would bash his head in with that broom again and he would have gotten nowhere.

Jane continued on her appointed mission, not knowing the wolf’s thought process. Being honest with ourselves, dear reader, she probably would not have cared even if she did know. Regardless, Jane made smooth progress and soon only had to cross through a field of flowers to get to her grandmother’s house.

She groaned at this since these particular flowers aggravated her hay fever and sent her into a sneezing fit. But, she would come out of the field with ample time to clear her sinus before coming to grandmother’s cottage and delivering the basket.

Meanwhile, the wolf had all ready made it to grandmother’s house. Having four legs and running did have its advantages after all. He leaped through a window, at least attempted to but did not realize it was closed. He bounced off the frame and landed in a sprawl on the grass. Luckily for him, grandmother was snoring so loudly that she did not hear his misstep.

He finally strode up the porch as confidently as his bruised pride would allow and nudged open the back door with his nose. The door creaked open and he made ready to bolt. When no offending broom came down on his head, he ventured into the cabin to see Grandmother asleep on her bed. Before he could second guess himself, he swallowed her whole.

No one has ever been entirely sure how wolves can do that. They are not snakes and cannot unhinge their jaws to take in prey whole. This wolf in particular was not exceptionally large either so its jaw could not fit fully around grandmother’s head let alone her broad shoulders and massive hips. Logistics aside, grandmother was swallowed whole and the wolf had quite the belly ache on his hands.

He rolled around on the floor for a bit, holding his distended belly and wondering what in the higher power’s name had caused him to swallow the old bat whole. He could have at least chewed! And my, was she a hairy woman. The wolf was certain that grandmother could have easily passed for a wolf if she wasn’t a two-legged walker.

Regardless, he finally got over his stomach issues and stood. Now he needed a disguise to lure the girl into the cabin so he could save her for a snack once her grandmother finally digested in his over-burdened stomach. He quickly donned a flannel nightgown and a bed hat before lying down in bed.

Again, dear ready, do not question the logic of a four legged animal dressing in a woman's clothes when it has no opposable thumbs to use to dress in the previous mentioned woman's clothes with. Regardless, the wolf was now dressed and lying in wait for Jane who was not far from her grandmother’s house.

Jane was completely oblivious to the wolf’s plan and could not wait to get to her grandmother’s house so she could finally sit down and get some proper rest. She was also planning on venting to the old woman about how foolish it was to have a child of her age wandering around in the woods whenever grandmother got sick. Maybe guilt would cause the old twit to move into the home with her and mother in the relatively safe village.

The wolf on the other hand, had fallen asleep. The big meal of grandmother had tuckered him out and the bed was comfortable. His snoring alerted Jane as she approached the house. Jane merely shook her head and rolled her eyes.

“That old bag can really shake up a place,” Jane remarked to herself as she let herself in through the front door.

She let the door clatter closed behind her and the wolf started awake with a half garbled snort-shout. Jane stared at the wolf in her grandmother’s clothing for a long moment and wondered when grandmother had grown so much extra hair.

“When did you grow more hair, Grandmother?” Jane voiced her concerns.

“Oh it’s from this cold,” the wolf said daintily giggled as he disguised his voice.

Jane noticed instantly that there was something very wrong with grandma. She never spoke so kindly and lady like, nor did she ever wear a blue flannel night dress with a pink flannel hat. Jane dropped the basket, swung her bag forward and a Glock was aimed at the wolf’s head in no time. She clicked back the safety with authority and took a wide stance as the wolf’s jaw dropped.

“What did you do with grandma?” Jane demanded and thought something sounded off about her command.

“I, I, what?” the wolf inquired as he forgot to disguise his voice which in reality was better for him as his natural voice was more akin to how grandmother actually sounded.

“I said, what did you do with grandma, you bastard? Oh that sounded much better,” Jane beamed.

“You, you, wait! Why in Hell do you have a gun?” the wolf exclaimed in wonder.

“Uh, because I’m wandering the woods all on my own and I’d be an idiot not to carry a weapon?” Jane countered with a snort.

“You’re what, 10? You shouldn’t have a gun,” the wolf rebutted in awe.

“Am I really that underdeveloped? I’m 12 damn it, I’ll be a teenager in exactly three weeks,” Jane informed him with a scowl.

“Well, you are kind of flat,” the wolf uttered with a chortle.

“Oh be quiet and answer my original question before I blow your brains out,” Jane commanded and squeezed the trigger a little bit.

“Uh, I ate her?” the wolf tried, assuming that honesty was best when facing a 12 year old with a gun.

“You ATE my grandmother? What kind of freak eats a sick old woman?” Jane proclaimed in half-amazement and half-disgust.

“Uh, I was hungry?” the wolf asserted.

“You scrawny little maggot, how dare you eat my grandmother,” Jane shouted and pulled the trigger.

Surprisingly, Jane was a very good shot. The wolf’s brains blew out the back of his head and the rest of him collapsed onto the pillow. A tongue lolled out of what remained of the jaw area and Jane huffed. She clicked the safety back on her weapon before snagging one of grandma’s big cooking knives and slicing open the wolf’s belly.

“It’s about time you got me out of there,” Grandma groused as Jane helped pull her out of the dead wolf’s belly.

“Well I’m sorry, but who gets eaten by a wolf?” Jane inquired with a smirk.

“Aw, shut it girl. Look what you did to my bed! Do you know how hard it is to get blood out of sheets?” Grandma groused.

“No thank you for saving your life? How ungrateful,” Jane chuckled as she helped her not-so-sick grandmother (it’s amazing what a trip inside a wolf can do) drag the wolf’s corpse off the bed.

“Fine, fine, thank you for saving my life you little brat,” Grandma joked as they set the wolf’s body over a large drain in one corner of the cabin so all his blood could flow out of his body.

“I did bring you some wine, cheese, bread and soup since you’re sick,” Jane mentioned as she admired their handiwork.

“Oh I’m not sick, I just wanted to see if your mother would come out here to visit,” Grandma laughed.

“Well it is a long ways to travel to visit an old coot,” Jane pointed out as she began stripping the bloody bedding from the bed.

“Oh bother, I like it out here,” Grandma muttered.

“You do get to live in privacy,” Jane uttered as they tossed the sheets into a basket.

“And I get to hunt wolves,” Grandma stated with a wink.

“What does wolf meat taste like?” Jane inquired as she helped Grandma to drag the washing to the little stream that ran behind her house.

“Gamey, but the wolf furs are warm,” Grandma mentioned.

“Ah, maybe we can line my cowl with them so it isn’t as red,” Jane groused as she flicked the aforementioned cowl back.

“I don’t know why your mother makes you wear that thing,” Grandma groused.

“So I’m a bigger target,” Jane laughed as they began washing the sheets.

“At least you’re a good shot. I’m glad you came instead of your mother. She’d be appalled at all this mess. You can take a bit of blood and that’s what I love about you Red,” Grandma told her with pride in her rough as nails voice.

“Aw, thanks grandma. Now let’s see about getting the blood out of these sheets.”

If you want more info on anything I've written (three anthologies out now in ebook form for those wondering), check out the website in my signature. That is all.

Former leader of the Family of Darkness.
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Originally posted by *GayTiger*
lys... that was amazing, it's pure orgasm on a page!

This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by Lysandra: 11-27-2011 01:31.

11-27-2011 01:29 Lysandra is offline Homepage of Lysandra Search for Posts by Lysandra Add Lysandra to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Lysandra

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"“You know I’m just a walking target in this thing right?” daughter mentioned as she tied down the cowl and lifted the hood."

defo my favorite line in this....

that was an unsettling read...the lack of fear or suprize makes the characters seem quite evil for some reason

was a nice versian of the classic tale

ps.welcome bk lys Wink

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Rofl that was a good read, I definitely would prefer to be read this before bed rather than the original story Tongue

My favourite line was also "“You know I’m just a walking target in this thing right?” daughter mentioned as she tied down the cowl and lifted the hood."

I want a daughter like that Big Grin

im not crazy, im just an idiot!!! Tongue

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Lol, nice one Lys. Welcome back Smile

p.s. There are few typos, but I am sure you will find them Wink

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11-27-2011 13:38 Mortis is offline Search for Posts by Mortis Add Mortis to your Buddy List Add Mortis to your Contact List


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@ Ba_al: what 12 year old with a gun is evil? Wink I was going for unsettling though, actually I was going for dark humor but unsettling works too. This isn't even very unsettling compared to the Christmas story I wrote the other day. That one's too long to post though and it's really just the one scene that's really creepy. I know, Christmas and creepy shouldn't belong in the same sentance...lol.

@warlock: Haha, that's actually one of my favorite lines too. The only problem with a daughter like Jane is when she actually hits puberty. You think she's fearless now...lol.

@Mortis: Well I'm not *technically* back. Just popping in for a visit really. I might disappear again after this comment. Well, until I write something else small for the arts forum.

Former leader of the Family of Darkness.
Buying titanium neckwear of accuracy. PM in game.
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Originally posted by *GayTiger*
lys... that was amazing, it's pure orgasm on a page!

11-27-2011 19:21 Lysandra is offline Homepage of Lysandra Search for Posts by Lysandra Add Lysandra to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Lysandra
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