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Okay I really don't have a title for this yet. I'm kind of fiddling with it still...ha. I got really bored and started wandering though old stories and found one in particular that had an interesting concept but was crap. And go figure I wrote it like 3 years ago...LOL

Anyway, here's the prologue to this start of a re-write. I might continue with it here, I'm not sure yet...lol.

Prologue: Colors
Aura: the electromagnetic color surrounding every conscious being, ranging from microwave radiation, to infrared radiation to UV radiation. This color is a direct result of the vibrations from every cell in the human body but the aura can tell how a living being feels at that exact moment in time. Fixed or unconscious objects do not have a changing aura where a living beings aura will change over time and can change quickly.
Many cultures believe in aura, most go so far as to seek spiritual ‘seers’ to determine how to strengthen their aura. Auras can be used to determine whether a person is lying or if a person is near death. A person’s ‘true self’ is hidden within auras, over time though because of the nature of the world a person lives in, this aura can fade. Only few are blessed with the gift of seeing aura’s but eventually everyone can be trained if they believe such a thing exists.

Children rushed around the yard, playing a game of tag and enjoying warm weather. Not a care was on their mind as the warm breeze ruffled the grass. The warm air brought the promise of summer, of freedom. In a mere few weeks they would no longer have to sit inside an airless classroom on a hard-backed chair listening to a teacher drone on about subjects they believed would not matter anyway. The scent of dry-erase marker would not clog their nostrils; the chore of cleaning the white boards would be avoided for two glorious months.
As a group of ten children ran by the swings, a single child watched intently. He sat on the swing, gently swaying, seeming more interested in observing his peers than actually swinging. His eyes were the brightest of blues, a hue most people wondered at. His blond hair was long, almost to the point where he could tie it back. He wore a plain red tee shirt and blue jeans with a pair of scuffed white sneakers. No one was near him.
The child watched as one of his peers tripped over a rock and fell to the ground. He blinked twice then tilted his head off to one side watching curiously as the other child stood and brushed himself off, staring half-heartily at a grass stain on his jeans. The blond boy blinked as the child shrugged and ran off. Laugher burst around the blond boy and he looked towards the group of young girls out of his peripheral vision. They were giggling at him.
He frowned and noticed one of the girls had gray blotches in the colors surrounding her. The regular blue and purple colors that surrounded this particular girl were slowly being hindered by gray and brown. The blond boy huffed and went back to the observation of the children around him, studying each child in turn and looking at each blanket of color trying to decipher what each color meant.
A bell rang long and loud from the large brick building situated in the center of the large green grass field. A few moans could be heard from the children, a few sitting alone jumped for almost joy. Eventually all began wandering towards the brick building, the blond boy blending in among them like every child. He looked like one of his peers, one made of the same ilk and with the same thoughts and patterns but he was not. He was different. He was a seer.

Every person is different. It is true that chemically, we are all the same. We are made of the same hydrocarbons, the same molecules. The things that make us different are merely an off or on switch on a particular piece of DNA, simple changes in genes that eventually could be mastered over time. The only other thing besides DNA and genes that make us differ from one another is a person’s personality.
Personality is an interesting thing. If identical twins are raised in completely different environments, they will differ. Even if raised in the same environment, those sharing the same genes exactly will have different personalities. Each person reacts to a situation differently, every person will act a different way. Oddly, each person comes with the innate knowledge to change these reactions and actions to suit the situations around them. Personalities are repressed based on what is socially accepted at the time.
What creates these differences is the nurturing ability of parents and the situations a person faces as they grow older. Hard lives lead to hardened people. Sheltered lives lead to people who could become too naive and easily taken advantage of. A life in constant change creates a restless person. A life in constant pain can create a person in constant depression.
A child raised to believe he is abnormal can lead to a person who does not easily trust others. It can lead to low-self esteem and an introverted personality. A child raised without proper care and attention cannot bloom. A child raised to believe he is always wrong will lead a very controlled life. This is where a child born with natural talents can be lead astray. If natural talents are not seen or ignored, a child will become a mere shadow of what they could be. Sometimes, very rarely, these unique children will realize just how unique they are. They are the leaders.

Children piled into classrooms, some pushing some dodging. One, a unique on wandered in a quietly took up his seat by the window, sitting three desks back. He brushed back a piece of blond hair from his brow and studied the multitude of colours and children around him. The teacher, an average looking woman in her mid-thirties silenced the class with a mere quirk of an eyebrow. Her colors were turquoise and green.
As she began to speak, the blond-haired boy glanced out the window, absorbing the information with a half-ear though storing it quickly in a mind that could process situations and solutions in a few seconds. He sighed and began doodling on the piece of lined paper in front of him. An eye took shape, long lashes curled and iris slowly beginning to be filled in with detail. Soon a slim arched eyebrow appeared over the eye, creases where laugh lines would be appeared. The arch of the eyelid came next followed by vague veins in the very corners.
“Shawn, read the next paragraph please.” Came the teacher’s voice in his head, interrupting his thought process. Without missing a beat, the blond boy opened his geography book to the exact page they were on and skimmed through the paragraphs quickly.
“By far the most important factor, effecting the movement of water across the ocean are tides. Tides are great bulges of water, caused by the gravity of the Moon, and Sun. Attracted by gravity, these bulges move around the Earth’s oceans, causing water levels to rise and fall. Typically water will rise for about six hours, followed by six hours of falling water depths.” Shawn read in a strong voice. The teacher nodded and went on to describe what Shawn had just explained with a diagram on the board. Shawn went back to his drawing with a small huff.

A final bell rang and children dumped books and papers into backpacks, rushing to get out of the building for another day. Shawn blinked and glanced up at the clock with a quirked eyebrow then closed his book. A face had taken shape on the page, staring up at him as if to question why he wasn’t finishing bringing this being to life. Such as a drawings life was. Shawn gathered his books into a neat pile and packed them into his bag slowly, thoughtfully. As he zipped the bag shut and stood, the teacher looked up at him. He was the only student left in the classroom. She smiled as Shawn left, the bright young boy walking away looking deep in thought.
To her, Shawn was a riddle. He never seemed to pay attention in class yet he had the highest grades. He never seemed to talk or socialize with any other student yet when he was made to work in a group he always received the highest group mark. Students liked to work with him, they just never befriended him. He always seemed to be studying everyone which confused her to no end. A child of ten should not be so observant.

Walking home on a clear spring day would always be an enjoyable thing to people. Something about the warm air and crisp blue skies lifted a person’s spirits and made them content. Green grass and the scent of blooming flowers held an almost healing effect over the oppressive winter months. To Shawn, spring meant rebirth. All the colors he missed during the winter would reappear and that simple fact made him happy.
He breathed deeply and sighed then frowned. A feeling passed over him, making his skin prickle like a cold wind had brushed over him. He sensed it; people were coming up from behind him, people with ill intentions. With a simple glance he looked behind and his frown deepened. Three slightly older boys were coming towards him, their colors literally almost overtaken by gray.
Shawn turned back around and frowned. He knew gray seemed to mean ill intentions and dark depressing thoughts. Most of the other children had gray in their colors when they made fun of him. Or like the three behind him, the children would have gray when they were about to beat him up. The feeling of dread grew stronger and Shawn adjusted the straps on his back-pack with a smirk.
This was the beginning of the game for him. He did not so much mind the bullying; it hurt when these boys hit him. But the actual chase he put them through and the fact these three rarely ever caught him made up for the few times they did catch him. He had taken the negative aspect of bullying and turned it into a positive. Bullying became a game of cat and mouse with both parties needing to think a few steps ahead of the opposing side.
A shout was all the warning Shawn got before the three launched themselves forward to grab him. Shawn turned and ducked under the hands of the first two, side stepping the third and darting across the street. A car honked its horn as Shawn dodged around it, the boys behind shouting in frustration as they had to wait to cross the street. Shawn turned a corner and waited, sensing. The game was all ready over it seemed and Shawn darted forward to make sure it stayed that way.
Within a few minutes, he felt that the three were gone. With a slight sigh of disappointment, Shawn made a turn down another street and began walking home at a leisurely pace. It seemed his adversaries weren’t actually learning anything from their daily games. He kicked a stone down the sidewalk, idly playing a game of soccer with the small rock. Stopping a moment, he tilted his head to one side and frowned. Maybe they were learning after all.
Shawn smirked again and darted across the street, leaping over a half-broken wooded fence and entering a park. The three boys came down from a different street and made chase. Shawn did not have to glance behind him to know they were a mere ten feet behind. He took a sharp right around a swing set, leaped over a side and tried not to laugh as one of the boys yelped, he didn’t quite make the leap over the slide. The other two didn’t pause to help their fallen friend as Shawn suspected.
He darted down another street and slowed a bit, waiting for the two to catch up. He counted to ten then sped up again running by a certain house. A huge monster of a dog leaped towards him and he merely kept moving forward as the dog barked at him. One of the bullies yelped and skidded to a stop, turning and running in the opposite direction. Taking a quick left, Shawn darted down another street. The last bully followed him swiftly, beginning to catch up.
Shawn smirked again and made his way towards an abandoned lot. He rushed through the foot high grass, kicking up pollen as he went. A few moments went by and as predicted, the third and final bully stopped chasing him because of a sneezing fit. Shawn squirmed through a hole in a fence and jogged towards home. He was a bit disappointed that it had played out so easily. That and it was a Friday, there would be no trying again for those three for two days.
With a half-sigh, Shawn opened the door to his house and stepped inside. The noise of an old sitcom assaulted his ears and he peeked around a door frame leading into the living room. The room held a couch and a huge monstrous looking chair facing the large television. The chair was on loan from the local hospital and could recline into a relatively comfortable bed. An IV pump and miniature dialysis sat on either side of the chair. The back of this chair was to Shawn, but Shawn all ready knew what the woman in the chair looked like.
He approached the chair with little caution and stood beside the IV machine. The woman sitting there stared straight ahead, eyes blinded by diabetes and senses dulled by old age. Skin the color old newspaper covered bones, blotchy in some spots and wrinkled. White hair half-covered a slightly tilted back head, glaucoma white eyes seemed to stare at the ceiling. Shawn noted that the colors surrounding his grandmother were black. Death was finally upon her and Shawn was in a way happy. She would no longer suffer as this shell diabetes had reduced her too.
Once, two years ago she had been a vibrant woman and would take Shawn on nature walks during the fall. She described to him every tree and every insect. Birds were described in wingspan accompanied by perfect whistles. When his parents permitted, the two would go camping, and she taught him about the stars and plants. When rain fouled their plans, they would amuse themselves with chess and Sudoku. She did what his parents seemed to be too distracted by his older siblings and jobs to do.
She was struck by diabetes and it ravaged through her system. In less than eight months, she had lost her vision and a leg. Now her kidneys were shutting down and doctors suspected she had a liver disease. She was reduced to staring blankly at a television she couldn’t see and wouldn’t have bothered with two years ago. Now, it was one of the only things that reminded her she could still hear, barely.
“I’m home grandma.” Shawn said, touching the old woman’s arm gently. A smile came to chapped lips and she patted his hand with her free hand.
“Good. Did you learn anything in school today?” She asked with a somewhat strong voice. Shawn smirked.
“I learned that playing cat and mouse can be disappointing.” Shawn replied, setting his school bag beside the chair. She laughed lightly at that.
“Those boys haven’t learned have they?” she asked rolling her head forward to stare in his general direction.
“Nope. Do you want me to turn off the T.V?” He asked glancing towards it. She nodded and he happily complied.
“So did you figure out that riddle yet?” She asked with a smirk. Shawn grinned.
“Yep. An umbrella.” Shawn replied with a grin he knew she couldn’t see. She smiled because she could hear the grin in his voice.
“And the Sudoku puzzle?” she asked with a slight motion of her hand. Shawn nodded watching as the black color started to fade.
“I figured it out. I had a one in the wrong place. So I had to switch around a nine and a five to fix the one…grandma?” Shawn asked as her head slumped forward much too far. All the color that had surrounded her had left and her chest was still. Shawn stared at her for a moment then burst into sobs, throwing himself over the arm of the chair. No other sound permeated through the house except for his wails of sorrow.

All ready this thing is so much better than the old version. And in case anyone is confused, the colors he's seeing are auras. He just doesn't know what they're called and until he does (later) they will remain as colors. There is a point somewhere in there as the story develops... I'm not 100% sure what it is yet...LOL.

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Originally posted by *GayTiger*
lys... that was amazing, it's pure orgasm on a page!

03-22-2009 03:04 Lysandra is offline Homepage of Lysandra Search for Posts by Lysandra Add Lysandra to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Lysandra


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Strange... but an alright read. Lol @ cat and mouse tho. And weird name for a story XD

'Bout how long is it gonna be lys?

I'm back y'all, and I'm back y'all
And I'm backety back and I'm back y'all
And I'm back y'all, and I'm back y'all
And I'm backety back and I'm back y'all
I'm backety back back
And back back and backety back yo
Because I'm back and I'm black
03-22-2009 04:51 Nemazis is offline Homepage of Nemazis Search for Posts by Nemazis Add Nemazis to your Buddy List
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I like this! Cannot wait for the next installment!

What is death but a release?

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by dtr: 03-23-2009 01:57.

03-22-2009 08:56 dtr is offline Search for Posts by dtr Add dtr to your Buddy List


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@DK..er sorry, DJ: That's not the actual title silly. I said that in the first sentance before the actual story Tongue

@dtr: Eh I'm not 100% sure I'm going to keep posting it here or continue on with it as of yet. It's kind of like the thread cth posted a while back, a little tidbid of something to tease us all...LOL.

Former leader of the Family of Darkness.
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Originally posted by *GayTiger*
lys... that was amazing, it's pure orgasm on a page!

03-23-2009 19:23 Lysandra is offline Homepage of Lysandra Search for Posts by Lysandra Add Lysandra to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Lysandra

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differant ill give you that......but interetsing none the lessSmile

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Finally have time to read it. Quite catchy storyline so far I must say. Like to read more.

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